It's been a little while since we had any new stock in, but this week sees two belters added to make up for it! Firstly we've added another colourway of Jeans MKII, as well as some runners from the last Spezial collection.
More MKII Jeans
The Adidas Jeans have become a bit of a staple in the last couple of years, as several incarnations have been added to the originals line. This pair has an 'Argie' colourway- dark navy suede with a lighter coloured blue stripes.

Something from the ZX range
The Adidas ZX range has been at the top of the runners pile for a long time now, and this new pair is another to add to the long list. The ZX 452 featured as part of the AW18 Spezial range. The feature of the pink leather stripes ties in perfectly with the 'Acid House' theme to the collection.
